Michelin starred Chef consulting job open Italian restaurant China

Michelin starred Chef consulting job to open Italian restaurant China

  • Shanghai client owns 2 Michelin star Chinese cuisine restaurants in China. Macau and Taipei
  • client wants to open Italian restaurant in Xian, China
  • seeks Michelin starred Italian cuisine chef for this consulting project
  • you will have option to be part owner
  • you will also participate with the Public Relations and promotion aspect
  • you must be a personally Michelin starred Chef NOT just someone who has worked at a Michelin starred restaurant
  • we will put you in touch with the owners and investor to work out an appropriate fee schedule and timeline. Your Project Manager may be the Lead on this endeavor
To APPLY email your credentials and contact information to Michelin chef recruiter Guada Costillas Sanico guada.costillas@gmail.com
Follow our website: http://hospitalityexecutive.com

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End of Michelin tarred Chef .consulting job to open Italian restaurant in Xian, China.
